Mekong Delta - Pictures At An Exhibition

Mekong Delta - Pictures At An Exhibition
Progressive Metal
erschienen in 1996


1. Promenade
2. Gnomus
3. Interludium
4. Il veccio castello
5. Interludium
6. Tuileries (Disputes DeEnfants Apres Jeux)
7. Bydtlo
8. Interludium
9. Ballet of the unhatched chicken
10. "Samuel" Goldenberg and "Schmuyle"
11. Promenade
12. Limoges: Le marché (La grand nouvelle)
13. Catacombae (Sepulcrum romanum)
14. Lingua mortis
15. The hut on chickens legs
16. The heroic gate (in the Old Capitol of Kiev)
17. Promenade
18. Gnomus
19. Interludium
20. Il veccio castello
21. Interludium
22. Tuileries (Disputes DeEnfants Apres Jeux)
23. Bydtlo
24. Interludium
25. Ballet of the unhatched chicken
26. "Samuel" Goldenberg and "Schmuyle"
27. Promenade
28. Limoges: Le marché (La grand nouvelle)
29. Catacombae (Sepulcrum romanum)
30. Lingua mortis
31. The hut on chickens legs
32. The heroic gate (in the Old Capitol of Kiev)